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Dipl. Inf. Andreas Scholz
Aktuelle Themengebiete und Projekte
WS 09/10
- Übungsleitung zur Vorlesung Datenbanksysteme (Elitestudiengang SE)
SS 09
- Web Datenbanken (Elitestudiengang SE)
- Seminar: Databases in the Cloud
- Proseminar: Selected Fun Problems of the ACM Programming Contest
WS 08/09
- Übungsleitung zur Vorlesung Datenbanksysteme (Elitestudiengang SE)
SS 08
- Fortgeschrittene Datenbankkonzepte für betriebliche Anwendungen
- Seminar: 2008 - Odyssee im Datenraum: Datenbanktechnologie der Zukunft
WS 07/08
- Übungsleitung zur Vorlesung Datenbanksysteme (Elitestudiengang SE)
SS 07
WS 06/07
- Übungsleitung zur Vorlesung Datenbanksysteme (Elitestudiengang SE)
- Stephan Sommer, Andreas Scholz, Irina Gaponova, Alois Knoll, Alfons Kemper, Christian Buckl, Jörg Heuer, and Anton Schmitt.
Service Migration Scenarios for Embedded Networks.
SOCNE '10: The Fifth Workshop on Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments. IEEE, April 2010.
- Andreas Scholz, Christian Buckl, Irina Gaponova, Stephan Sommer, Alois Knoll, Alfons Kemper, Jörg Heuer, and Anton Schmitt.
Efficient Communication in Control-Oriented Embedded Networks
ETFA '09: 14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. IEEE, September 2009.
- Stephan Sommer, Andreas Scholz, Christian Buckl, Alois Knoll, Alfons Kemper, Jörg Heuer, and Anton Schmittt.
Towards the Internet of Things: Integration of Web Services and Field Level Devices
FITS '09: International Workshop on the Future Internet of Things and Services - Embedded Web Services for Pervasive Devices. September 2009.
- Andreas Scholz, Christian Buckl, Irina Gaponova, Stephan Sommer, Alois Knoll, Alfons Kemper, Jörg Heuer, and Anton Schmitt.
An Adaptive SOA for Embedded Networks
INDIN '09: 7th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics. IEEE, June 2009.
- Christian Buckl, Stephan Sommer, Andreas Scholz, Alois Knoll, Alfons Kemper, Jörg Heuer, and Anton Schmitt.
Services to the field: An approach for resource constrained sensor/actor networks.
SOCNE '09: The Fourth Workshop on Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments. IEEE, May 2009.
- Andreas Scholz, Christian Buckl, Stephan Sommer, Alfons Kemper, Alois Knoll, Jörg Heuer, and Martin Winter.
eSOA - SOA für eingebettete Netze.
KIVS 2009: Proceedings of the Workshop on Service Oriented Computing at KIVS 2009, 2009.
- Martina-Cezara Albutiu, Andreas Scholz, Stefan Krompass,
and Alfons Kemper
Synergie-basiertes Scheduling von Datenbank-Workloads
Datenbank-Spektrum, Vol. 8, No. 28, Februar 2009, pp. 44-51
- Christian Buckl, Stephan Sommer, Andreas Scholz, Alois Knoll, and Alfons Kemper
Generating a Tailored Middleware for Wireless Sensor Network Applications
SUTC2008: IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing, June 08
- Stefan Krompass, Andreas Scholz, Martina-Cezara Albutiu, Harumi
Kuno, Janet Wiener, Umeshwar Dayal, and Alfons Kemper
Quality of Service-Enabled Management of Database Workloads
IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Special Issue on Testing and Tuning of Database Systems, 31(1), 2008
- Andreas Scholz, Christian Buckl, Jörg Heuer, Martin Winter, Alfons Kemper, and Alois Knoll
WS-AMUSE - Web Service Architecture for Multimedia Services
ICSE '08: Proceedings of the 30th international conference on Software engineering, pages 703-712
- Daniel Gmach, Stefan Krompass, Andreas Scholz, Martin Wimmer, and Alfons Kemper
Adaptive Quality of Service Management for Enterprise Services
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB), Vol. 2, No. 1, Article 8, February 2008
- Stefan Krompass, Daniel Gmach, Andreas Scholz, Stefan Seltzsam, and Alfons Kemper
Quality of Service Enabled Database Applications
4th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC), December 2006
Christine Kiss, Andreas Scholz and Martin Bichler
Evaluating Centrality Measures in Large Call Graphs
presented at IEEE Joint Conference on E-Commerce Technology and Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services, San Francisco, USA, 2006 (IEEE CEC EEE 2006) -
Andreas Scholz
Konzeption und Implementierung einer Dienstgütekomponente für Datenbanksysteme
Diplomarbeit, Technische Universität München, 2005