Databases in the Cloud

Databases in the Cloud
What is different?

February 10–11, 2016, Garching

Databases in the Cloud—What is different?

The workshop “Databases in the Cloud” will take place on February 10–11, 2016 at the TU Munich in Garching. It will discuss the challenges virtualized environments introduce for database systems and how to best address them. The workshop is sponsored by Oracle Labs.

Local Organizers


Wednesday February 10 (starting at 9.30 am, lecture hall HS 2)

Thursday February 11 (starting at 8.45 am, lecture hall HS 3)


It is convenient to stay at a hotel near a U6 stop. There are several budget hotels in Garching-Hochbrück, which is just two stops from the campus.



From Munich Airport

From Munich Central Station