Andreas Scholz

Dipl. Inf. Andreas Scholz

Raum: 02.11.037 Anschrift: Technische Universität München
Telefon: +49 89 289-17292 Institut für Informatik - Lehrstuhl III (I3)
Fax: +49 89 289-17263 Boltzmannstr. 3
E-Mail: D-85748 Garching bei München


WS 09/10

  • Übungsleitung zur Vorlesung Datenbanksysteme (Elitestudiengang SE)

SS 09

WS 08/09

  • Übungsleitung zur Vorlesung Datenbanksysteme (Elitestudiengang SE)

SS 08

WS 07/08

  • Übungsleitung zur Vorlesung Datenbanksysteme (Elitestudiengang SE)

SS 07

WS 06/07

  • Übungsleitung zur Vorlesung Datenbanksysteme (Elitestudiengang SE)


  • Stephan Sommer, Andreas Scholz, Irina Gaponova, Alois Knoll, Alfons Kemper, Christian Buckl, Jörg Heuer, and Anton Schmitt.
    Service Migration Scenarios for Embedded Networks.
    SOCNE '10: The Fifth Workshop on Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments. IEEE, April 2010.
  • Andreas Scholz, Christian Buckl, Irina Gaponova, Stephan Sommer, Alois Knoll, Alfons Kemper, Jörg Heuer, and Anton Schmitt.
    Efficient Communication in Control-Oriented Embedded Networks
    ETFA '09: 14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. IEEE, September 2009.
  • Stephan Sommer, Andreas Scholz, Christian Buckl, Alois Knoll, Alfons Kemper, Jörg Heuer, and Anton Schmittt.
    Towards the Internet of Things: Integration of Web Services and Field Level Devices
    FITS '09: International Workshop on the Future Internet of Things and Services - Embedded Web Services for Pervasive Devices. September 2009.
  • Andreas Scholz, Christian Buckl, Irina Gaponova, Stephan Sommer, Alois Knoll, Alfons Kemper, Jörg Heuer, and Anton Schmitt.
    An Adaptive SOA for Embedded Networks
    INDIN '09: 7th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics. IEEE, June 2009.
  • Christian Buckl, Stephan Sommer, Andreas Scholz, Alois Knoll, Alfons Kemper, Jörg Heuer, and Anton Schmitt.
    Services to the field: An approach for resource constrained sensor/actor networks.
    SOCNE '09: The Fourth Workshop on Service Oriented Architectures in Converging Networked Environments. IEEE, May 2009.
  • Andreas Scholz, Christian Buckl, Stephan Sommer, Alfons Kemper, Alois Knoll, Jörg Heuer, and Martin Winter.
    eSOA - SOA für eingebettete Netze.
    KIVS 2009: Proceedings of the Workshop on Service Oriented Computing at KIVS 2009, 2009.
  • Christian Buckl, Stephan Sommer, Andreas Scholz, Alois Knoll, and Alfons Kemper
    Generating a Tailored Middleware for Wireless Sensor Network Applications
    SUTC2008: IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing, June 08