Prof. Dr. Jana Giceva Makreshanska
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Research Interests and Bio
Prof. Giceva's research interests are in systems support for data management to enable efficient use of modern and future hardware. She works at the intersection of systems, data management, compilers, and computer architecture. Her research often adopts a holistic approach to address the system's challenges imposed both by emerging computing platforms and by the need to efficiently process and analyze data collected at unprecedented rates.
Before joining TUM in 2020, she was a faculty member at Imperial College London. Jana Giceva received her PhD at ETH Zurich in 2017. She also held roles with Microsoft Research and Oracle Labs.
Recent Papers Highlights
- ACM SIGMOD Records Research Highlights Award'23 for Sortledton
- Best paper runner-up at VLDB'22 for our paper
"Sortledton: a Universal, Transactional Graph Data Structure". - Honorable mention at SIGMOD'21 for our paper
"To partition, or not to partition, that is the join question in a real system". - VMware Early Career Faculty Award 2019
- ETH Medal for outstanding PhD dissertation in the Department of Computer Science 2018
- Google PhD Fellowship for Operating Systems 2014
- Best Poster Award "Databases and Operating Systems: Friends or Foes?", EuroSys 2012
Recent Service
- Chair: SoCC 2023 Diversity, SIGMOD 23/24 Mentorship
- PC member: OSDI 2024, VLDB 2024, HotOS 2023, ATC 2023, SIGMOD DaMoN 2023, CIDR 2023
- Roles in Dept. of CS/School of CIT:
- Deputy Gender Equality Officer for CS
- Head Speaker and Departmental Representative for Talent Management and Diversity in the Department of CS
- Faculty care-taker of Women in CS @ TUM.
- Winter 23/24: Seminar - OS in the Cloud: Past, Present, and Future
- Winter 23/24: Cloud-Based Data Processing
- Summer 23: Data Processing on Modern Hardware
- Summer 23: Seminar - Modern Database Systems