Welcome to the chair for database systems!
In research and teaching we focus on the implementation and efficient use of database management systems. In particular we work on in-memory optimized databases and the improvement of our main memory RDBMS HyPer and its flash-based successor Umbra, and recently also LingoDB.
Our research group (© Altan Birler)
Quick Access
Three papers were accepted at SIGMOD 2025:
- Nested Parquet Is Flat, Why Not Use It? How To Scan Nested Data With On-the-Fly Key Generation and Joins.
- One paper was accepted at OOPSLA 2024:
- Two papers were accepted for the VLDB 2024:
- Jana Giceva and Thomas Neumann were selected as Distinguished Reviewers for VLDB 2024.
- Jana Giceva was awarded an ERC Starting Grant.
- Viktor Leis receives the VLDB Early Career Award.
- We published two papers at DaMoN 2024:
- Two papers were accepted at CIDR 2024:
Five of our papers, one demo, and three workshop papers were accepted for the VLDB 2023:
- Bringing Compiling Databases to RISC Architectures
- Exploiting Cloud Object Storage for High-Performance Analytics
- Asymptotically Better Query Optimization Using Indexed Algebra
- Declarative Sub-Operators for Universal Data Processing
- QO-Insight: Inspecting Steered Query Optimizers (Demo)
- AutoSteer: Learned Query Optimization for Any SQL Database
- Exploiting Code Generation for Efficient LIKE Pattern Matching (Workshop)
- Relation-Based In-Database Stream Processing (Workshop)
- Considering Distributed Processing in the Query Optimizer (Workshop)
- Our research paper "Sortledton: a Universal Graph Data Structure" was selected for the SIGMOD Research Highlight Award.
- Prof. Alfons Kemper was awarded the ACM Fellowship 2022 for his contributions to database management system technology. ACM characterizes this award as follows: The ACM Fellows program recognizes the top 1% of ACM Members for their outstanding accomplishments in computing and information technology and/or outstanding service to ACM and the larger computing community.
- The slides of the Software Engineering master information event can be downloaded here.
- Four research papers were accepted for the BTW 2023.
- Our journal article Practical Planning and Execution of Groupjoin and Nested Aggregates was accepted for the VLDB Journal.
- Our paper Sortledton: a Universal, Transactional Graph Data Structure wins the VLDB Best Paper Runner Up Award!
Seven at one blow! Seven of our papers, one demo, and three workshop papers were accepted for the VLDB 2022.
- User-Defined Operators: Efficiently Integrating Custom Algorithms into Modern Databases
- Sortledton: a Universal, Transactional Graph Data Structure
- Designing an Open Framework for Query Optimization and Compilation
- DuckDB-Wasm: Fast Analytical Processing for the Web (Demo)
- Plush: A Write-Optimized Persistent Log-Structured Hash-Table
- On-Demand State Separation for Cloud Data Warehousing
- A Scalable and Generic Approach to Range Joins
- Memory-Optimized Multi-Version Concurrency Control for Disk-Based Database Systems
- Efficiently Compiling Dynamic Code for Adaptive Query Processing
- What Are You Waiting For? Use Coroutines for Asynchronous I/O to Hide I/O Latencies and Maximize the Read Bandwidth!
- Integrating Deep Learning Frameworks into Main Memory Databases
- Our research paper Blue Elephants Inspecting Pandas was accepted for the EDBT 2023.
- Two research papers were accepted for the SIGMOD 2022.
- Our journal article B²-Tree: Page-Based String Indexing in Concurrent Environments was accepted for the Datenbank-Spektrum.
- The slides of the Software Engineering master information event can be downloaded here.
- Our research paper ArrayQL Integration into Code-Generating Database Systems was accepted for the EDBT 2022.
- After winning ICDE's ten-year award, HyPer also wins VLDB's test of time award!
Six of our papers were accepted for the VLDB 2021.
- Benchmarking Learned Indexes
- Database Technology for the Masses: Sub-Operators as First Class Entities
- Crystal: A Unified Cache Storage System for Analytical Databases
- A Practical Approach to Groupjoin and Nested Aggregates
- Evolution of a Compiling Query Engine
- One Buffer Manager to Rule Them All: Using Distributed Memory with Cache Coherence over RDMA (Workshop)
- A four-dimensional Analysis of Partitioned Approximate Filters
- Two research papers were accepted for the SSDBM 2021.
- Our first HyPer paper (HyPer: A Hybrid OLTP&OLAP Main Memory Database System Based on Virtual Memory Snapshots ) receives the ten-year influential paper award from the ICDE committee.
- A first! Our research paper (Profiling Dataflow Systems on Multiple Abstraction Levels) was accepted for the ACM EuroSys 2021. It is our first research paper at EuroSys!
- Two research papers (Building Advanced SQL AnalyticsFrom Low-Level Plan Operators and Self-Tuning Query Scheduling for Analytical Workloads) were accepted for the ACM SIGMOD 2021.
- Our paper "GeoBlocks: A Query-Cache Accelerated Data Structure for Spatial Aggregation over Polygons" was accepted for EDBT 2021.
- Two research papers (Umbra as a Time Machine: Adding a Versioning Type to SQL, B²-Tree: Cache-Friendly String Indexing within B-Trees.) were accepted for the BTW 2021.
- Two research papers (JSON Tiles: Fast Analytics on Semi-Structured Data and To partition, or not to partition, that is the join question in a real system) and one demonstration (TardisDB: Extending SQL to Support Versioning) were accepted for the ACM SIGMOD 2021.
- The slides of the Software Engineering master information event can be downloaded here.
- A new record! Our group presents six research papers at VLDB 2020.
- Our paper "Mosaic: A Budget-Conscious Storage Engine for Relational Database Systems", a collaboration with Fujitsu, was accepted for VLDB 2020.
- Our paper "Meet Me Halfway: Split Maintenance of Continuous Views" was accepted for VLDB 2020.
- Our paper "Adopting Worst-Case Optimal Joins in Relational Database Systems" was accepted for VLDB 2020.
- Our papers "Concurrent Online Sampling for All, for Free" and "Scalable and Robust Latches for Database Systems" were accepted for DaMon 2020.
- Prof. Thomas Neumann was awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz prize 2020.
- Our paper "Adaptive Main-Memory Indexing for High-Performance Point-Polygon Joins" was accepted for EDBT 2020.
- Our paper "Umbra: A Disk-Based System with In-Memory Performance" was accepted for CIDR 2020.
- Our paper "Scalable Garbage Collection for In-Memory MVCC Systems" was accepted for VLDB 2020.
- Our paper "SOSD: A Benchmark for Learned Indexes" was accepted to the ML For Systems Workshop at NeurIPS 2019.
- Our paper "Versioning in Main-Memory Database Systems: From MusaeusDB to TardisDB" was accepted for SSDBM 2019.
- Bernhard Radke and Thomas Neumann win the Best Paper Award at BTW for their paper LinDP++: Generalizing Linearized DP to Crossproducts and Non-Inner Joins .
- Viktor Leis receives the IEEE TCDE Rising Star Award for his contributions to main-memory indexing and database architectures for NVM.
- Our paper "No False Negatives: Accepting All Useful Schedules in a Fast Serializable Many-Core System" was accepted for ICDE 2019.
- Our group presents three research papers at CIDR 2019.
- Viktor Leis wins it all! The ACM SIGMOD awarded him the Jim Gray Doctoral Dissertation Award for his work on "Query Processing and Optimization in Modern Database Systems" and the Best Paper Award for his paper "SuRF: Practical Range Query Filtering with Fast Succinct Tries".
- The paper "Adaptive Execution of Compiled Queries" by André Kohn, Viktor Leis and Thomas Neumann received the Best Paper Award at ICDE 2018.
- Our group contributes five papers to this years SIGMOD conference and — as last year's winner — organizes the SIGMOD Programming Contest.
- The chair for database systems will present three research papers at ICDE 2018 in Paris.
- Our paper "Adaptive Optimization of Very Large Join Queries" was accepted for SIGMOD 2018.
- Linnea Passing and Andreas Kipf presented their work at the 17th HPTS Workshop.
- Jan Böttcher, Moritz Kaufmann, Timo Kersten, Andreas Kipf (Team OZero) are the winners of the ACM SIGMOD Programming Contest 2017.
- The data base group of TU Munich is in the top ten (rank 6) according to the worldwide Computer Science Ranking.
- Open Positions: We have openings for (fully funded) PhD students as well as for post-Doc positions. If you have a strong background in database systems (engineering) we invite you to contact us.
- Dr. Viktor Leis received the DBIS Dissertation Award 2015/16.
- Our paper "Automatic Algorithm Transformation for Efficient Multi-Snapshot Analytics on Temporal Graphs" was accepted for VLDB 2017.
- Prof. Thomas Neumann was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant 2016.
- The chair for database systems will present three research papers at EDBT 2017 in Venice.
- Prof. Kemper and Prof. Neumann are co-coordinators (with Kai-Uwe Sattler and Jens Teubner) of the DFG Priority Programme Scalable Data Management for Future Hardware.
- The demo "High-Performance Geospatial Analytics in HyPerSpace" by Varun Pandey, Andreas Kipf, Dimitri Vorona, Tobias Mühlbauer, Thomas Neumann and Alfons Kemper won the Best Demo award at ACM SIGMOD 2016.
- The chair for database systems will present three research papers at VLDB 2016 in Delhi.
- The 43rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases VLDB 2017 will take place in Munich and is organized by the TUM Chair for Database Systems.
- The Chair for Database Systems organizes the workshop Databases in the Cloud 2016.
- Attention: Open student assistant positions at our chair
- 10th edition of "Datenbanksysteme" by Prof. Kemper and Dr Eickler released
- Prof. Alfons Kemper was awarded the title GI Fellow by the German Computer Society "Gesellschaft für Informatik, GI".
- New master's seminar held by Stephan Günnemann about 'Data Science in the Era of Big Data'. Application deadline mid of May; the seminar will be held as a block seminar, either at the end of the lecture period or during the semester break.
- Our group presents three research papers at VLDB 2015.
- BTW 2015 Best Paper Award for Thomas Neumann and Alfons Kemper: "Unnesting Arbitrary Queries"
- Three of our research papers were accepted for TKDE, SIGMOD 2015, and VLDB 2015.
- After winning the 2014 competition, the chair for database systems organizes the SIGMOD 2015 Programming Contest.
- Prof. Alfons Kemper organizes the Demo Track of VLDB 2015 and co-chairs the program committee of ICDE 2016.
- VLDB 2017 will take place at TUM and is organized by Prof. Alfons Kemper and Prof. Thomas Neumann.
- ICDM 2014 Best Paper Award for Samuel Maurus and Dr Claudia Plant. Details (German).
- Our novel approach to speed up multiple parallel breadth-first searches (BFS) in graphs was accepted for VLDB 2015. A preprint of the paper is available.
- Thomas Neumann receives the prestigious VLDB Early Career Research Contribution Award for his significant contributions in the field of "High-Performance Database Engines".
- Moritz Kaufmann, Manuel Then, Tobias Mühlbauer and Andrey Gubichev (Team AWFY) are the winners of the ACM SIGMOD Programming Contest 2014.
- Started blog by and for database architects: http://databasearchitects.blogspot.de.
- Two research papers and one demonstration accepted for the ACM SIGMOD 2014.
- Short biography of Prof. em. Rudolf Bayer published.
- ICDE 2014 Best Paper Award for Viktor Leis, Alfons Kemper and Thomas Neumann: "Exploiting Hardware Transactional Memory in Main-Memory Databases"
- Prof. Kemper and Dr Ippokratis Pandis (IBM Research) organize the ACM SIGMOD workshop DaMoN 2014.
- Presentation of our chair in the November issue of Datenbank Spektrum (linked document in German)
- Big data workshop of the GI database systems group led by Prof. Kemper
- Two HyPer papers accepted for ICDE 2014 in Chicago
- Experience HyPer's unmatched query performance live at hyper-db.com
- Dr. Peter Boncz received the prestigious Humboldt Prize to collaborate with our group. Congratulations to Peter!
- Prof. Thomas Neumann and Dr César Galindo-Legaria received Best Paper Award at BTW-2013
- Obituary for Dr Dean Jacobs (former guest professor at TUM)
- The group is part of the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC), a joint project of database software vendors and academics.
- Two vacant PhD positions
- 3rd edition of the workbook "Datenbanksysteme" by Prof. Kemper and Dr Wimmer released
- The group is involved in the Bavarian Elite Graduate Program Software Engineering. Interested students please contact Prof. Kemper