Seminar: Next-Gen Programming Interfaces and Compilers


In this seminar we discuss novel programming interfaces and compiler techniques with a particular focus on modern processor architectures. Particular topics of interest are (preliminary):

  • Memory Models on different levels: Hardware (NVM), Languages (C, C++), etc.
  • Programming models for novel architectures/extensions (ARMv9/SVE, RISC-V vector operations, FPGAs, neuromorphic chips, etc.)
  • Code generation in different contexts (JavaScript/WebAssembly, SQL, eBPF, binary translation, etc.)

For an impression of possible topics, you can see topics from last year or the year before, but note that this year's topics will be different.


The seminar is organized similar to a scientific conference. Participants will have to submit a draft paper, which will be peer reviewed by two other participants, and incorporate the received feedback for the final version. The paper should have a length of between 8 and 10 pages using a provided LaTeX template. After submitting the final paper, participants have to give a presentation of 20 minutes (hard time limit). All talks will be presented 'en bloc' within two days at the end of the semester; the block seminar will be on-site at TUM or at an external locations (if participants show interest).

The final grade is influenced mostly by paper/talk quality (half/half), but also the quality of reviews and the participation in discussions after the talks will be taken into account. Delivering either the paper or the talk in unacceptable quality will result in total failure.


  • Preliminary meeting: 2024-07-01, 14:00 s.t., virtual via BigBlueButton
    • We will not prioritize based on attendance. If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact one of the organizers.
    • Qualification: We will prioritize students who complete the qualification form until 2024-07-16.
  • Topic assignment: TBD (first semester week)
  • Kick-off meeting: TBD (first seemster week, on-site in Garching)
  • Paper outline due: TBD (early November) (meet with your advisor to discuss)
  • Paper draft due: TBD (mid November) (submission via e-mail to advisor, meet with your advisor to discuss)
  • Complete paper due: TBD (early December) (upload via HotCRP)
    • Submission of complete paper for peer-review.
  • Reviews due: TBD (mid December) (submission via HotCRP)
  • Camera-ready paper and slides due: TBD (mid January) (upload of paper and slides via HotCRP)
    • Final (graded) version of the paper/slides incorporating feedback from reviewers.
  • Block seminar: TBD (mid January) (on-site in Garching or external)


Topic Assignment

Topics will be assigned in the first week of the semester. We will come up with possible topics and send these out to participants in early October.