Nina Hubig, Dipl.Inf.
Technische Universität München
Institut für Informatik
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching
Office Hours:
Please call/mail ahead for an appointment
Research Area
Graph Mining, Network Analysis, Pattern Detection in Attributed Graphs
Subspace Clustering, Multi-View Clustering, Data Mining in High Dimensional Databases
Analysis of Geo-Spatial and Temporal Data
Applications on Medical Data
If you are interested in writing a Bachelor/Master thesis in the area of data mining/machine learning, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Mining Natural Hazards: Unsupervised and Supervised Mining of Large Global Spatio-Temporal Data.
Nina Hubig, Andreas Züfle, Philip Fengler, Stephan Günnemann
to appear
Detection of Overlapping Communities in Attributed Graphs.
Nina Hubig, Andreas Züfle, Jing Feng, Xiao He, Christian Böhm, Claudia Plant
to appear
Information-theoretic non-redundant Subspace Clustering.
Nina Hubig, Claudia Plant
PAKDD 2017
Generalized Independent Subspace Clustering.
Wei Ye, Sam Maurus, Nina Hubig, Claudia Plant
ICDM 2016
SQL- and Operator-centric Data Analytics in Relational Main-Memory Databases.
Linnea Passing, Manuel Then, Nina Hubig, Harald Lang, Michael Schreier, Stephan Günnemann, Alfons Kemper, Thomas Neumann
EDBT 2016
Efficient Integration of Data and Graph Mining Algorithms in Relational Database Systems
Manuel Then, Linnea Passing, Nina Hubig, Stephan Günnemann, Alfons Kemper, Thomas Neumann
LWA 2015
Monitoring Probabilistic Threshold SUM Query Processing in Uncertain Streams
Nina Hubig, Andreas Zuefle, Tobias Emrich, Matthias Renz, Mario A. Nascimento, Hans-Peter Kriegel
Centroid Clustering of Cellular Lineage Trees.
Valeriy Khakhutskyy, Michael Schwarzfischer, Nina Hubig, Claudia Plant, Carsten Marr, Michael A. Rieger, Timm Schroeder, Fabian J. Theis
ITBAM 2014
Compression-based Graph Mining Exploiting Structure Primitives.
Jing Feng, Xiao He, Nina Hubig, Christian Boehm, Claudia Plant
ICDM 2013
Active Density-Based Clustering.
Son T. Mai, Nina Hubig, Claudia Plant, Christian Boehm
ICDM 2013
Continuous Probabilistic Sum Queries in Wireless Sensor Networks with Ranges.
Nina Hubig, Andreas Zuefle, Tobias Emrich, Mario A. Nascimento, Matthias Renz, Hans-Peter Kriegel
SSDBM 2012
- Winter term 2016/17
- Winter term 2015/16
- Spring term 2015
- Spring term 2014