Hauptseminar für überfachliche Grundlagen: Höhere Bildungssysteme im internationalen Vergleich
Information only available in English
Modul IN9027A first meeting will take place on October 30th, 2014, 3.30 pm, room MI 01.04.058 (office of Prof. Gerndt). Here we will mainly agree on the schedule.
Participants: |
Contact: | Prof. Dr. Michael Gerndt, Dr. Angelika Reiser |
Assessment: | Talk (presentation), website, executive summary at the end of the semester: 2 pages (not more!) individual comparison of the presented countries / universities, and continuous and active participation (contributions to the discussion) |
The language of the seminar will be English.
Every speaker has to prepare a web page and a power point (or similar)
The web page informs about the country,
special educational aspects, and the university attended. Here of special interest is e.g. information about the course catalog, semester dates,
accomodation issues.
An outline of the web page and the presentation must be sent by email to
Angelika Reiser two weeks prior to the scheduled talk.
The first complete version of the presentation must be sent by email to Angelika Reiser one week prior to the scheduled talk.
The web page must be ready and available latest at the
date of the talk.
The executive summary must be ready latest at: February 28th, 2015 - skipped!
All deadlines are strict.
The duration of the talk will be 30 minutes including the presentation of the web page.
There is a compulsory attendance for all talks! Please contact Angelika Reiser in case of problems.
Former seminars:
- Seminar from WS 13/14
- Seminar from WS 12/13 with talks about Canada, Sweden, Italy, Spain
Seminar from WS 11/12 with talks about Armenia, Australia, China, Colombia, Egypt, France, India, Italy, Morocco, Pakistan, Singapore, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, USA
- Seminar from WS 10/11 with talks about India, Ukraine, France, Morocco, Spain, USA, Netherlands, Switzerland
- Seminar from WS 09/10 with talks about Israel, USA, India, Sweden, Morocco, Canada, China
- Seminar from WS 08/09 with talks about Sweden, Peru, Mexico, USA, Great Britain
- Seminar from WS 07/08 with talks about Spain and Turkey